Discussion for tutorial Week 6

We meet again for the next tutorial activity, the 6th tutorial using Blogspot and after this we will move to the new blog which is Wordpress. Well, let us go straight to the point and for the first round as usual we were all conducted to find the definition of the 6 terms and last by reflecting ourselves when dealing with printed materials and digital materials.

Now for the definitions, there are 6 terms which is Hypertext, Hyperlink, Hypermedia, Online reading, Digital literacy and Reading strategies.

Text displayed on a computer or other electronic device with references to other text (other page of the same site) that the reader can immediately access, usually by a mouse click or keypress sequence. Source

A hyperlink, or simply a link, is a reference in a hypertext document to another document or other resource.
However, combined with a data network and suitable access protocol, it can be used to fetch the resource referenced. This can then be saved, viewed, or displayed as part of the referencing document. Source

Hypermedia is a term used as a logical extension of the term hypertext, in which audio, video, plain text, and non-linear hyperlinks intertwine to create a generally non-linear medium of information.

This contrasts with multimedia, which, although often capable of random access in terms of the physical medium, is essentially linear in nature. Source

Example of Hypermedia

Online Reading
Reading activities conducted online via Internet using digital technologies and there is hypermedia support. Example of Online Reading is TampaReads.

Print Screen of TampaReads

Digital Literacy
The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and create information using digital technology.

Reading Strategies

It is a skills used, depending on personal preference, to read efficiently. This is the example of Reading Strategies provided by Greece Central School District.

Okay, enough with the definitions. So let us move on to the second tutorial which is reflect and discuss your own reading preferences and strategies when dealing with printed materials and digital material.

As for me, I use both of the materials in my daily life. But then, I prefer more on printed material such as printed notes or book since I can bring them everywhere anytime I want. Plus, I can add extra notes using pen or pencil right on the printed notes or marks important notes using coloured highlighter. While using digital materials for instance laptop, PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), smart phones or iPhones, you can easily change the format of the notes and can links to the other references notes quickly using Internet connection.

Therefore, every materials have their own advantages and disadvantaged, but it's all depends on you to choose which one you prefer :)

That's all for this post. Thank you and HAND.

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Discussion for tutorial Week 5

Salam and good day to everyone. We meet again for another discussion, which is for week 5.

For this week, all the students need to do a presentation about Resource for Learning Language (specifically on Grammar) and Online Translation machine. We had been divided into a groups of two and three and besides that, we also had been divided into three "islands" by Dr. Norizan :p My group members consist me; Nurmariam Aisyah Hashim, Nurhana Samsudin and Veronica Moliun. All the students had been given about 15minutes to prepare the slideshow using Microsoft Powerpoint. (.ppx)

Lets start with the first activity which is locating the resource for learning language. Before that, we had been asked to find 5 Top Learning English Grammar using different search engines which are: Yahoo!, Google and Bing. Plus, we used the same keyword for each search engine which is "english grammar website" and this is what we had found;

Top 5 Learning English Grammar using Yahoo!

Top 5 Learning English Grammar using Google.

Top 5 Learning English Grammar using Bing.

From what we had found, most of the result with all 3 search engines show the same suggested website which is The English Grammar Website. So, we decided to pick this website for the answer of the first activity. The reasons are because this website came with diagramming and also interactive and fun activity/exercise for the student. Besides, the student can check the answer of their activity on the spot.

The English Grammar Website.

Example of the exercise for student.

Now, we move on to the second activity which is Online Translation machine. Same as first activity, we searched the TOP 5 Online Translation machine using the same 3 search engines and same keyword which is "translation". And these is what we get;

TOP 5 Online Translation machine using Yahoo!

TOP 5 Online Translation machine using Google

TOP 5 Online Translation machine using Bing.

For the result, we had found that all the 3 search engines came out with different suggested website for online translation. Yahoo! had suggested FreeTranslation.com, and both Google and Bing suggested their own online translation which is Google Translate and Bing Translator. So we decided to choose FreeTranslation.com which is convenient for all Languages and the translation also quite accurate.


But from my personal opinion, the best Online Translation machine is Google Translate that provide more language include Malay language and you also can upload any documents for translation. Babelfish also a good example of Online Translation machine where you can translate the whole website just by pasting the url address in it. All online translation gave good outcome, but its all depends on the user on which are the best :)

I think that's all for this week tutorial activity. Till we meet again, goodbye and take care! :)

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Discussion for tutorial Week 3

Assalamualaikum and good day to everyone. This is my submission of the Tutorial Activity for Week 3.

Today, all ELS students had been asked by Dr. Norizan to reproduced a printed advertisement using the computer and answer the question that had been given by using blog. So this is my work and my answers :)

But first, this is the actual advertisement that I had to reproduce:

*please click on the image for larger view.

The questions are:
  1. Procedure applied in completing the task.- What did you do first, second and until completion
  2. Where did you get the pictures from
  3. How did you format the advertisement
  4. How did you type
  5. Did you use any help tools to do: Spell check, Grammar check, Graphic Enhancement
  6. Did you get help from friends and others observation. 
  7. Are you a good typist, designer? 1 not good at all to 10 excellent 

This is the advertisement that I reproduced and here are my answers :)

*Click image for larger view please :)

  1. First of all, I chose the advertisement that I want to use and I decided to use the “Twilight Saga: New Moon” advertising for this project. Then I searched for the picture of the cast and MTV Logo on the internet. I also downloaded the “Twilight” font to use it as the main font. After that I started to edit using Adobe Photoshop CS4.
  2. For the image, I used Google Images to search for the Twilight New Moon and MTV image.
  3. Then, after that I saved the advertisement as jpeg (.jpg) which is regular format for image.
  4. For typing, I use both of my hands to type and usually use the first three fingers.
  5. For spell and grammar check I did not use any tools, I had to check whether my spelling is right or wrong since Adobe Photoshop cannot detect any spelling mistakes. While for Graphic Enhancement I used several tools in Adobe Photoshop such as Crop, Text, Blending options, color, blur and smudge tools.
  6. I did not get any help from friends and any observations.
  7. I can type well but then I am sure that I still can improve my typing from time to time so I think 7 over 10 would be suite me. As for designer, I rate myself 8.5 over 10 since I had many experiences in editing pictures or using other picture editing softwares. But then, I still look forward to improve myself more in the future.

That's all for now folks. thanks for viewing and have a nice day! :)

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